Amazon affiliate marketing for beginners


Amazon affiliate marketing for beginners

The first one

We’re talking about is setting your goals and expectations

We’re talking about is setting your goals and expectations basically how much money can you make where can you do this from some other things that you should know uh when getting started with affiliate marketing like what is it and then in

Section number two

We’re talking about picking

We’re talking about picking a niche uh how do you determine a category of products to promote how does this whole thing work right that’s in section number two uh then in

Section number three

I’m going to show you how to build a website

I’m going to show you how to build a website the best place to build a website so that you can start to generate traffic and start to make money as an affiliate marketer then in

Section number four

after you’ve built your website

after you’ve built your website i’ll show you how to actually sign up for amazon affiliate marketing so they have a site’s amazon associates you’ll see me using those two terms interchangeably amazon associates and amazon affiliate marketing it’s all the same thing then in

Section number five

I’m going to share the rules

I’m going to share the rules that amazon has set forth this is really important you don’t want to skip this part because if you mess up and you do something wrong you can end up getting kicked out of the amazon associate program and not making any money or even losing money so you don’t want to end up in that position definitely don’t skip number five then in

Section number six

We’re talking

We’re talking about getting clicks and conversions basically just how to increase your profits how to make more money and how to get more traffic to your blog and then in

Section number seven

I’m going to share

I’m going to share some tactics for search engine optimization seo and basically just helping to grow the business and expanding beyond just amazon affiliate marketing to make as much money as possible okay so let’s start with the first section here which is setting your goals and expectations now as i said look we’re not selling a course here this is all free um so i love affiliate marketing especially amazon affiliate marketing for the number one reason and that’s because it’s free to get started you don’t have to pay for products it’s not like you’re opening a store uh on on the street somewhere and you need to pay for rent and all these other things for the store and pay for products and everything with affiliate marketing what you’re doing is you’re just marketing for products for other businesses so basically the way that affiliate marketing works and i’m going to assume that you maybe already understand it so we’ll keep this part very short here but you’re just marketing products for other people and for bringing them a customer you get a little tiny piece of the pie and the way that we track this with affiliate marketing is through something called affiliate links so we’ll but basically if somebody clicks on your amazon affiliate link it’s your specific link if they click on that and they buy something on amazon within the next 24 hours regardless of what they buy you end up making a percentage of that sale anywhere from one percent to 10 of that sale so if someone spends a thousand dollars on amazon after they clicked on your amazon affiliate link they spent a thousand dollars you could make anywhere between 10 and 100


Important Tutorials

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